Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm sticking with you, cause I'm made out of glue

OH LOOK ITS A FAISAN. i must say, i actually forgot the title of this old blog for awhile, so i was left to putter around google for awhile searching various faisan phrases (ie: "burrito in rainforest.blogspot.com). SO let's see, as freshman and women in faisan, we can officially say that we are done with SLE PAPER MADNESS. and on my third cup of tea last night, i realized how good residential education truly is. last night, among other events, there was haircutting and kitchenette-ing, and screaming and dancing and running and smiling. and frowning. oh and writing, and talking, and i am sure there was youtubing, and maybe greg's computer bellowed "you've got mail" at one point. everytime someone would walk by we would inquire about one another's papers quickly, but then launch into some conversation that is much more interesting. i realize now, THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. faisan, after a cray cray 10 ish months of bondin and chillin fo sho fo sho, i can honestly say that even in the depths of marx depression i can still look up and see someone that i love. awwwwww. fuckmarxandallofhisshitaboutalienationbecauseyoudontneedtobealienatedinlife.
ok sorry
running on bagel and tea tea tea
and now later we have sle sle sle
mother fucker
sorry for being so vulgar.
cool beans much love.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Story written by a second grader

"Once upon a time there were four golf scorpions but the thing that was scare about them was that nobody know they were scorpions and one day they were at a party an it was time for them to changed to scorpions and somebody had push them in the water and they got killed and all the people said hey what happen to the world when they looked at the sky the moon was on fire and the scorpions was poisonous. The End."
-Jarvezz G.